  • 2013/10/01
  • Market Information
  • The topic of product recalling is an important issue for all textile industries. In this section we would like to share an article from SATRA on this particular subject. SATRA is known as the world’s leading research and technology center and is also the leading authority on international legislation. They test the technical aspects of a wide range of products ranging from footwear to construction products.

    Below is an exempt from the original article. The URL is linked below for the complete story.

    Footwear recalls
    by Stuart Morgan

    “Announcing a product recall – whether a voluntary action or being forced to do so by the authorities – is a request for purchasers to return goods they have purchased. It may affect a specific batch of products or an entire production run, and is normally due to safety issues having been discovered.

    It is an attempt to limit the company’s liability for corporate negligence (which could incur legal penalties), as well as an effort to avoid damaging publicity. Recalls are costly to conduct in an effective manner, as they often require the recalled product to be replaced or the company to pay for any damage caused during use. Any consequential costs caused by damage to the brand name and reduced trust on the part of the consumer may, of course, be significantly higher…”

    Find the complete story here.

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    Keywords: SATRA, footwear recalls, market information